Privacy & Delivery Policy – Luv pajamas

LUV Pajamas Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously and are committed to safeguarding your personal information while providing you with an exceptional shopping experience. Our privacy policy is designed to be transparent, concise, and easy to understand.

What Information We Collect :

  • Personal Information: When you make a purchase or create an account, we collect your name, email address, shipping address, and contact details.
  • Payment Details: We securely process payments, but we do not store your credit card information and your account number.
  • Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your website experience and gather analytical data.

How We Use Your Information :

  • Order Fulfillment: We use your data to process and deliver your orders accurately and efficiently.
  • Communications: To keep you updated about new products, promotions, and offers, we may send you newsletters or notifications (you can opt out anytime).
  • Website Improvement: Your information helps us enhance our website and tailor our offerings to your preferences.

Sharing Your Data :

We respect your privacy and will never sell or share your personal information with third parties unless required by law.

Data Security :

We employ rigorous security measures to protect your data, ensuring it’s safe from unauthorized access or breaches.

Your Privacy Choices :

You have the right to review, update, or delete your personal information. Contact us if you need assistance.

Questions and Contact :

Should you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please feel free to contact us at.

Email :

Whatsapp : 0812-2041-2278

Address : Jl. Batununggal Indah I No.58, Mengger, Kec. Bandung Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40267

By shopping with LUV Pajamas, you trust us with your personal information. We take this trust seriously and are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of privacy protection. Thank you for choosing LUV Pajamas!


This privacy policy was last updated on 08/11/23.










Kebijakan Privasi LUV Pajamas


Kami sangat memperhatikan privasi Anda dan berkomitmen untuk melindungi informasi pribadi Anda sambil memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang luar biasa. Kebijakan privasi kami dirancang untuk transparan, ringkas, dan mudah dipahami.


Informasi Apa yang Kami Kumpulkan :


  • Informasi Pribadi: Ketika Anda melakukan pembelian atau membuat akun, kami mengumpulkan nama Anda, alamat email, alamat pengiriman, dan rincian kontak Anda.


  • Rincian Pembayaran : Kami memproses pembayaran secara aman, tetapi kami tidak menyimpan informasi kartu kredit dan Nomor Rekening Anda.


  • Cookies : Kami menggunakan cookies untuk meningkatkan pengalaman situs web Anda dan mengumpulkan data analitik.


Bagaimana Kami Menggunakan Informasi Anda :


  • Pemenuhan Pesanan : Kami menggunakan data Anda untuk memproses dan mengirim pesanan Anda dengan akurat dan efisien.


  • Komunikasi : Untuk tetap menginformasikan Anda tentang produk baru, promosi, dan penawaran, kami mungkin mengirimkan newsletter atau pemberitahuan kepada Anda (Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan kapan saja).


  • Perbaikan Situs Web : Informasi Anda membantu kami meningkatkan situs web kami dan menyesuaikan penawaran kami dengan preferensi Anda.


Berbagi Data Anda :


Kami menghormati privasi Anda dan tidak akan pernah menjual atau membagikan informasi pribadi Anda kepada pihak ketiga kecuali jika diperlukan oleh hukum.


Keamanan Data :


Kami menerapkan tindakan keamanan yang ketat untuk melindungi data Anda, memastikan data tersebut aman dari akses yang tidak sah atau pelanggaran.


Pilihan Anda :


Anda memiliki hak untuk meninjau, memperbarui, atau menghapus informasi pribadi Anda. Hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan.


Pertanyaan dan Kontak :


Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau kekhawatiran mengenai privasi Anda, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di:


Email :

Whatsapp : 0812-2041-2278

Address : Jl. Batununggal Indah I No.58, Mengger, Kec. Bandung Kidul, Kota

Bandung, Jawa Barat 40267.


Dengan berbelanja di LUV Pajamas, Anda mempercayai kami dengan informasi pribadi Anda. Kami sangat serius dalam menjaga kepercayaan ini dan berkomitmen untuk memberikan perlindungan privasi tertinggi kepada Anda. Terima kasih telah memilih LUV Pajamas!


Kebijakan privasi ini terakhir diperbarui pada 08/11/23.








LUV Pajamas Delivery Policy


  1. Shipping Methods and Costs.


We offer several shipping methods to ensure you receive our products quickly and safely. Shipping costs are calculated at checkout and may vary depending on the shipping destination, the chosen shipping method, and the weight of the items in your order.


  1. Order Processing Time.


Orders are typically processed within 2 business day from the date of purchase. During high-demand periods, such as sales events or holidays, processing times may be extended. We will make an effort to notify you if there is a significant delay.


  1. Shipping Destinations.


Currently, we offer shipping to all of Indonesia. If your destination is not on our list, please contact our customer support team to explore other shipping options.


  1. Estimated Delivery Times.


Estimated delivery times may vary based on the selected shipping method and your location. Please note that these times are only approximate and not guaranteed.


  1. Track Your Order.


Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email, allowing you to monitor the status and location of your package. Please allow some time for tracking information to become available after your order has been processed.


  1. Shipping Providers.


We work with trusted shipping providers to ensure your order is delivered quickly and safely. The choice of shipping provider will depend on your shipping destination and the shipping method selected.


  1. Shipping Issues.


If you experience issues with your delivery, such as delays, damage, or missing items, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will make every effort to resolve the issue promptly and ensure your satisfaction.


  1. Returns and Refunds.


For information on returns and refunds, please refer to our Return Policy on the Single Product page.


  1. Contact Us.


If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy or the status of your order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. You can find our contact information on the “Contact Us” page on our website.


  1. Policy Changes.


We reserve the right to make changes to this shipping policy at our discretion. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon being posted on our website.





















Kebijakan Pengiriman LUV Pajamas


  1. Metode Pengiriman dan Biaya.


Kami menawarkan beberapa metode pengiriman untuk memastikan Anda menerima produk kami dengan cepat dan aman. Biaya pengiriman dihitung saat checkout dan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada tujuan pengiriman, metode pengiriman yang dipilih, dan berat barang dalam pesanan Anda.


  1. Waktu Pengolahan Pesanan.


Pesanan biasanya diproses dalam waktu maksimal 1 hari kerja sejak tanggal pembelian. Selama periode tinggi permintaan, seperti acara penjualan atau hari libur, waktu pemrosesan mungkin diperpanjang. Kami akan berusaha memberi tahu Anda jika ada keterlambatan yang signifikan.


  1. Tujuan Pengiriman.


Saat ini, kami menawarkan pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia. Jika tujuan Anda tidak terdaftar di daftar kami, silakan hubungi tim dukungan pelanggan kami untuk menjelajahi pilihan pengiriman lainnya.


  1. Perkiraan Waktu Pengiriman.


Perkiraan waktu pengiriman dapat bervariasi berdasarkan metode pengiriman yang dipilih dan lokasi Anda. Harap dicatat bahwa waktu ini hanya perkiraan dan tidak dijamin.


  1. Lacak Pesanan Anda.


Setelah pesanan Anda dikirim, Anda akan menerima nomor pelacakan melalui email, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memantau status dan lokasi paket Anda. Harap berikan waktu untuk informasi pelacakan menjadi tersedia setelah pesanan Anda diproses.


  1. Penyedia Pengiriman.


Kami bekerja sama dengan penyedia pengiriman terpercaya untuk memastikan pesanan Anda dikirimkan dengan cepat dan aman. Pilihan penyedia pengiriman akan bergantung pada tujuan pengiriman Anda dan metode pengiriman yang dipilih.


  1. Masalah Pengiriman.


Jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan pengiriman Anda, seperti keterlambatan, kerusakan, atau barang yang hilang, harap segera hubungi tim dukungan pelanggan kami. Kami akan berusaha keras untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan cepat dan memastikan kepuasan Anda.


  1. Retur dan Pengembalian Dana.


Untuk informasi tentang retur dan pengembalian dana, silakan lihat Kebijakan Retur di halaman Produk Tunggal.


  1. Hubungi Kami.


Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau kekhawatiran tentang kebijakan pengiriman kami atau status pesanan Anda, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi tim dukungan pelanggan kami. Anda dapat menemukan informasi kontak kami di halaman “Hubungi Kami” di situs web kami.


  1. Perubahan Kebijakan.


Kami berhak membuat perubahan pada kebijakan pengiriman ini sesuai kebijakan kami. Setiap perubahan akan efektif segera setelah diposting di situs web kami.





















1. Shipping Methods and Costs.

We offer several shipping methods to ensure you receive our products quickly and safely. Shipping costs are calculated at checkout and may vary depending on the shipping destination, the chosen shipping method, and the weight of the items in your order.

2. Order Processing Time.

Orders are typically processed within 2 – 5 business day from the date of purchase. During high-demand periods, such as sales events or holidays, processing times may be extended. We will make an effort to notify you if there is a significant delay.

3. Shipping Destinations.

Currently, we offer shipping to all of Indonesia. If your destination is not on our list, please contact our customer support team to explore other shipping options.

4. Estimated Delivery Times.

Estimated delivery times may vary based on the selected shipping method and your location. Please note that these times are only approximate and not guaranteed.

5. Track Your Order.

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email, allowing you to monitor the status and location of your package. Please allow some time for tracking information to become available after your order has been processed.

6. Shipping Providers.

We collaborate with reliable shipping providers to ensure your orders are delivered quickly and safely. The choice of shipping provider will depend on your shipping destination and the selected shipping method.

7. Shipping Issues.

If you experience issues with your delivery, such as delays, damage, or missing items, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will make every effort to resolve the issue promptly and ensure your satisfaction.

8. Returns and Refunds.

For information on returns and refunds, please refer to our Return Policy on the Single Product page.

9. Contact Us.

If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy or the status of your order, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. You can find our contact information on the “Contact Us” page on our website.

10. Policy Changes.

We reserve the right to make changes to this shipping policy at our discretion. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon being posted on our website.

General Term

  • The return and refund process can only be initiated in the event of internal errors on our part; otherwise, they cannot be carried out.
  • Products can be return or refund with the condition that the customer must submit a request to our customer service within a maximum of 24 hours after receiving the product.
  • Products eligible for return or refund must be in original condition (Like New) and must be accompanied by several items such as the original packaging, an invoice via email or physical Invoice, and intact hangtags in good condition.
  • Customers must provide video when opening the product’s packaging.
  • During the return and refund process, all additional costs such as shipping fees will be borne by the customer.

Refund & Return Process

  • Customers are required to confirm through our customer service via email or telephone. *Please check our contact page.
  • Refund and Return can only be issued for products that meet the criteria mentioned in the general regulations.
  • The process will be completed within a minimum of 7 working days after the product has been returned to us.
  • Refund amount will be credited to the same account used for the initial purchase and cannot be delegated to another account.


Jl. Batununggal Indah I No.58, Mengger, Kec. Bandung Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40267

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